paraphrase the Bible, He that findeth a Wife, findeth a good thing.
Our Pastor, Dr. Lawrence M. Wooten, found a good thing in 1994 when
he married
Evangelist Missionary Shirley James Wooten.
This is the union of two wonderful, spiritual, anointed, teachers
of the word.
Evangelist Missionary Shirley Wooten was born in Boykins, Virginia,
the second oldest of four daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Adkins.
She also was an educator. Graduated from Virginia University in
1972 with a Degree in Education. She was a High School English
Teacher for a number of years in Virginia.
Sis Wooten worked toward a Masters Degree in Public Relations
Communications at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York. She
became a Certified Public Speaker and a Certified Course Developer.
:: Her Career ::
Sis. Wooten was a Sales Training Specialist with Carrier Air
Condition Company in Syracuse, New York. She was featured in Ebony
Magazine and Black Enterprise Magazine as the first Black Woman
Sales Training Specialist at Carrier. She was a Writer Producer
for Maritz Corporation in Montuale, New Jersey. Sis Wooten was
a Course Developer, Instructor, and Internal Auditor for Southwestern
Bell Telephone Company. After working for others for many years
she became the Founder and Proprietor of Kings Choice Barbeque
:: We Must Work the Works of Him That Sent Us ::
Sis. Wooten was saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost, February
1979 at Williams Temple COGIC, under the leadership of Dr. Lawrence
M. Wooten. She became a licensed Evangelist Missionary in 1986.
Most recently in 1998 she has been named a Licenced National
:: Working Side By Side With Her Husband ::